Here’s a Quick Way to Get Into Medical Writing

Jordan P. Roberts, PA-C
10 min readJan 18, 2019


How to Become a Medical Writer

Depending on your experience with this topic, it may surprise you to learn that not all medical writers have any sort of medical degree. Furthermore, not all clinicians who write identify as ‘medical writers.’

Neither is a bad thing.

I think we can agree that it takes a certain type of person to be a writer. Your having a medical degree does not confer you the skills, nor interest, to write about it or anything else.

However, for the rare combination of the healer and the poet, there is a world of opportunity waiting for you.

For healers aspiring for technical, scientific, or even poetic greatness, this post will give you an overview of how to achieve your medical writing goals.

Individuals new to any field, particularly a subspecialty like medical writing, usually want to learn a few major concepts first.

Concepts like:

Getting Started as a Medical Writer

When I was a fledgling clinician fresh out of medical training, I fell into medical writing partially by accident and partially by necessity. I experienced (and to an extent, still experience) the same challenges, worries, and self-doubt that many who want to learn how to get into medical writing face.

In today’s post, we’ll get down to the basics. We’ll explore what may feel like the single most basic question about medical writing.

What is medical writing, exactly?

Of course, this opens a veritable Pandora’s box of less-than-obvious answers.

What is Medical Writing, Exactly?

Before we even get to medical writing, let’s take it a step back. In the broadest sense, we can create three categories of medical communications; medical writing, health writing, and scientific communications.

The distinction may seem arbitrary, and depending on who you ask, it is.

Admittedly, this classification is subjective, and like all language and communication, ever-evolving, changing; its meaning influenced by myriad outside factors. Or is it, ‘a myriad of‘ outside factors? See what I mean?

In any case, we’ll do our best to explain the differences here.

Scientific Communications

Scientific communications mostly involves academic publications, science journalism, and other forms of technical writing.

It can be medical, but it is also more than that. Scientific writing includes engineering, basic science, social science, industry research, and more.

It goes both ways. Medical writing, at times, may not feel like science writing.

Health Writing

The idea of health writing generally refers to the articles, educational material, and other content authored by individuals or corporations that is subsequently directed at patients or consumers.

Some clinicians have made successful businesses out of blogging to a lay audience about health issues they deem important. Blogging is not easy work, but if you have what it takes, it can be a nice source of income for a good writer.

If you don’t think you have what it takes, you can always learn.

Like any of these entries, there is potential for a variety of work arrangements, including freelance/entrepreneurial, employed, or even volunteer.

Medical Writing

Ladies and gentlemen, the main event.

Medical writing, in a sense, lives directly across from health writing and is related to scientific communications.

Medical writing is usually more technical and more often serves business to business (B2B) needs.

Like medical communications, we can break this down into three major subcategories.

Within the medical writing world, the three sub-specialties we’ll discuss here are regulatory writing, promotional writing, and medical education.

Here is a brief overview of each one, with links to more other resources. Remember, this is just the tip of the iceburg and not a one-size-fits-all categorization.

1. Regulatory Medical Writing

Regulatory medical writers work with contract research organizations, biotech firms, pharmaceutical and device companies, and government agencies. They are often scientists, clinicians, or attorneys because of the high-stakes technical nature of the documents they produce.

Regulatory medical writers communicate important information to government agencies, heads of compliance departments, and other reviewers.

Examples of their work include summarizing complex scientific and statistical data for reviewers of a new drug application (NDA).

The work regulatory medical writers perform is vital to companies going through the inordinately expensive process of drug or device discovery, development, and commercialization. This means that failure to follow specific processes or omission of or inaccurately relayed information can cost the would-be manufacturer a pretty penny.

By ensuring these submissions are timely and correct, regulatory medical writers pay for themselves many times over.

Regulatory Medical Writing Skills & Background

A clinical, scientific, or legal background doesn’t hurt. However, this is not an absolute requirement for all regulatory roles.

In the day of the internet, there are many courses designed to help you learn the basics if you are interested. Like all things on the internet, do your own research on the educator before paying for any of them.

Some reputable organizations, like the American Medical Writers Association, offer their own courses. This one will run you $300 if you are a member and is $400 for nonmembers. (Hint: you can join here.)

Because of the inherent difficulty and high financial stakes of this work, it can be quite lucrative for those who can prove their value.

2. Promotional Medical Writing

Promotional medical writing, sometimes called Promotional MedEd, is educational material made for a specific brand or product. It’s essentially ‘content marketing’ for the healthcare industry.

Before you turn your nose up at the promotional and marketing part, we should establish that marketing is not synonymous with lying. In fact, we should recognize and accept the importance of this work.

Many of us dread interacting with the ‘used-car’ salesperson-type who tries to rip-off unsuspecting folks with every sale. Even worse, imagine becoming that ‘used-car’ salesperson person. After all, we clinicians aren’t supposed to sell out or push commercial interests, right?

But that’s not what this is about. As customers, or patients, or readers, what we really dread is our feeling like we were duped. And as clinicians, most of us just don’t have it in us to to that to others.

However, the good news is that no marketer or copywriter is that good. And neither are you. Thankfully, you and I are in the same boat here. See? That doesn’t mean promotional medical writing isn’t for you!

Promotional Medical Education Skills & Background

It’s true there may have been a time when more unscrupulous players lurked in the promotional meded world. Today, however, promotional medical writing is highly regulated and has given its image a well-deserved makeover.

If you are still not convinced, that’s all the more reason to give it another look. Good, honest clinicians in this line of work will never go out of style.

Promotional medical writing can involve creating and reviewing sales training materials, drug monographs, advertising copy, or other products designed to move the reader to action. To be a good promotional medical writer, it doesn’t hurt to have good copywriting skills or a background in public relations.

3. Continuing Medical Education

Medical education encompasses most of the content that clinicians are accustomed to seeing. You find your continuing medical education (CME) companies, board-review preppers, disease monographs, and other educational writing opportunities in this space.

The information intends to educate readers without hinting of bias for or against any specific brand or product. Just the facts, man.

Clinicians with an interest in teaching can write for their favorite companies, join a podcast, or become a coach or tutor to students. You can also act as a subject matter expert for the writers who are not experts themselves in this field.

The possibilities are nearly endless because every type of communication starts with writers. And the CME industry has plenty of room for more contributors.

CME Writing Skills & Background

Medical education is our specialty at Modern MedEd. It’s a reasonably attainable way for clinicians to get into medical writing for a number of reasons. CME medical writing is oftentimes also a good fit for scientists.

As clinicians, we show up with the experience and knowledge needed to do the job. That means the barriers to entry are low for us.

Further, healthcare professionals tend to want to learn from their colleagues who have the battlefield experience. For example, a page about concussions has more credibility when you know the author has practical experience in that area.

It also helps if you can relay information in an engaging, dynamic style. Even better if you can keep an audience awake. CME writing can also lead to other opportunities in non-clinical careers.

There is also more to medical writing than only, well, ‘writing.’ The written word is the lifeblood of our communications; however, that’s not the only way we learn from each other.

Today, we also have (mostly free) access to high-quality medical education in video, audio podcast, mobile apps, and online communities. These are all unique and growing platforms for medical education to thrive.

Steps to Become a Medical Writer

To be a good writer, medical or otherwise, you’ll first have to build two good habits.

1. Read

2. Write

You probably have the first point down pretty well, seeing as you’ve made it all the way here. The second step is where people struggle. Here are a few ways to overcome this perceived barrier even if you have no experience as a medical writer.

1. Compile a Portfolio

A portfolio is one of the most important assets you will have as a medical writer. It’s a collection of your best work that demonstrates to potential clients and employers that you are the right choice for them.

If you’ve never written anything before, can you blame clients when they are hesitant to hire you?

On the other hand, if you never had the chance to have written anything, how can you have a portfolio?

This is a common question we get, so we have an answer for you. Our best advice is to write an article, post, or medical education case that can be self-published or added to your portfolio without actually ‘publishing’ it. The key is to have something worthwhile to show off.

For an example of our case-based medical education published via non-traditional means, follow @BrainAndCo on Figure1.

2. Start Blogging on Your Own Website

A good way to get your foot in the door even if you don’t yet have clients is to start your own platform. As a medical writer, you should have a web presence if you ever want to be noticed. Having a blog on your website is a tried-and-true technique that can generate traffic and additional income.

You’ll have to get hosting, a domain name, and learn how to maintain a website without breaking it forever. It can be a lot of work but fortunately, there are companies that are making this process easier. This is also a topic for another day, but all the information is just a Google search away.

3. Submit Guest Posts

If you aren’t ready to start your own website, you can always find existing platforms to pitch. In fact, we are one such platform where you can apply to have your work published.

Other sites directed at healthcare professionals, including Clinician1, Clinician Today, and Doximity accept guest posts, too. You can even start your writing life here on Medium.

4. Make Those Professional Leaps

People do business with those they know, like, and trust. Get to know, like, and trust your colleagues in a professional environment, even if you are half-way across the world.

That means joining professional medical writing organizations and networking with your fellow members.

The American Medical Writers Association has a professional forum for medical writers to share and learn from one another, as well as a host of other benefits for their paying members.

5. Consider Online Courses

To further develop your skills and expertise in medical writing, you can find a variety of courses online. The benefit is they are all self-paced and give you exactly what you need based on your stage in the process.

They are generally inexpensive, but if you sign up for several courses, the price can add up. However, even taking three or four courses will end up paying for themselves when you land your first medical writing project.

Where to Develop Medical Writing Skills

As we mentioned, you probably already have what it takes to get off and running. However, some people prefer to develop a game plan or learn more fundamental skills before jumping in.

Most medical writers, at a minimum, need a passing familiarity with AMA style, good writing skills, and an ability to focus on the details.

One tactic could be to search online job boards for ‘medical writer’ positions in your area. Once you get a feel for the commonly desired skills and qualifications, spend some time developing those strengths.

For example, to get writing experience, you have to write. Why not make a side hustle out of it and spin that into a new role?

Some clinicians choose to broaden their education with affordable, self-paced online courses. True beginners often say getting a background in scientific writing is immensely beneficial when starting their search for a high-paying medical writing role.

Others prefer to soak up all the free information they can on the internet. Look for Zebras is a site developed by a fellow medical writer who blogs about non-clinical opportunities for clinicians.

We did a guest post there that shows you five ways to get into medical writing without quitting your day job. We’d love to hear what you think about the information here, so feel free to leave a comment below letting us know.



Jordan P. Roberts, PA-C
Jordan P. Roberts, PA-C

Written by Jordan P. Roberts, PA-C

Neuroscience PA-C and medical writer specializing in medical education. Co-founder of Modern MedEd. Overall CME wonk.

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